Welcome From the Principal

Jocelyn Adams
Greetings Hattie Cotton Colts Families,
Thank you for choosing Hattie Cotton STEM Magnet Elementary School where our mission is to ensure high levels of learning for every student, every day. It is an honor and privilege to serve as your child's principal.
I am thrilled to partner with such a dedicated staff, supportive parents, and an involved community to ensure academic and social emotional success of all students. Through collaboration, we will continue to focus on what is best for students.
We have high expectations for all students, and we are committed to a student-centered academic program that will promote rigor and complexity.
At Hattie Cotton STEM Magnet Elementary School, we provide students with hands-on-experiences, opportunities to problem-solve, make real-world connections, collaborate, and think critically. As a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) school, we recognize that students must be prepared to meet the challenges and demands of the 21st century.
Please feel free to contact me with questions and concerns as we move forward to have a successful year!