Related Arts

Related Arts

Each day, students attend one hour of related arts classes. The schedule rotates between art, music, and P.E. Students enjoy a variety of projects, performances, and activities in these classes throughout the school year. Each year, we have multiple musical performances as well as an art show where students can show off their hard work! Lastly, the students always look forward to our huge field day event at the end of each school year.



In art class, students participate in many hands-on art activities. Students are exposed to a multitude 

of techniques, media, and methods that allow them to create a variety of master pieces! Cultural and historical aspects of visual art are also explored during our lessons and activities. The beautiful artwork is proudly displayed throughout our hallways for all to see!


In music class, students learn to keep a steady beat, sing on pitch, create rhythms, and work on hand coordination. Students learn to play instruments and read music. Many students learn to play the guitar, the recorder, as well as the keyboard.  They prepare for a variety of musical performances throughout the school year

Physical Education

In P.E., students have lots of fun learning about physical education, fitness, health and extracurricular activities that can be played in and out of school. Students participate in exercises to improve overall fitness levels and learn about understanding the different aspects of improving and maintaining good health. They play a wide variety of games throughout the year and learn about good sportsmanship.